Four Types of EMFs


Microwave radiation: Emanating from our beloved wireless technology, small doses may be okay, but our exposure has grown exponentially in the past decade. This is unprecedented for humanity, and many people now experience poor quality

Four Types of EMFs2019-11-18T01:27:27+00:00

7 Keys to Healthy Harmonic Safe Space


The sleeping area is the most important as is our office space. Testing the space along with the bed itself gives important clues. At least 12 different solutions just in the sleeping area alone

7 Keys to Healthy Harmonic Safe Space2020-01-16T12:55:03+00:00

The Principals of Bau-Biologie


The 25 Principles of "Bau-biologie" (Building Biology) Building site without natural and human-made disturbances Residential homes away from sources of emissions and noise Low-density housing with sufficient green space Personalized, natural, human- and family-oriented

The Principals of Bau-Biologie2019-11-18T01:07:16+00:00

The Heart has a Brain


There is evidence that this “heart brain” can receive and respond to stimuli before the cranial brain processes it, like a split-second “body premonition.” In other words, the study subjects’ heartbeats were intuitively sensing

The Heart has a Brain2020-01-16T13:08:13+00:00

How to Grow Fresh Air Naturally


In 1989, NASA did their first clean air study on how certain plants combat certain harmful conditions within our environment. The book “How to Grow Fresh Air is an excellent resource on which air

How to Grow Fresh Air Naturally2020-01-16T13:09:34+00:00

Trees: Geopathic Stress Effects


Geopathic Stress, black lines (sha lines) underground water, negative vortexes and EMF transformers are just some of the conditions that are affecting these trees. Visually you can see how the trees in Hayward, CA

Trees: Geopathic Stress Effects2019-12-26T23:07:16+00:00

EHS more common in Modern World


Electrohypersensitivity, or EHS, is becoming more common in our Modern World. The rise in wireless technology has brought with it an equal rise in the symptoms associated with EHS. While EHS is recognized as

EHS more common in Modern World2020-04-18T19:54:05+00:00
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